What if the key to unlocking more abundance in your life wasn’t working harder but shifting how you see yourself? Your self-concept, the beliefs about who you are and what you deserve, is a blueprint for your reality. It shapes your choices, the opportunities you recognize, and the abundance you allow yourself to receive.
If you believe you struggle to make money, find love, or experience success, your subconscious will work overtime to keep you aligned with that assumption. On the other hand, if you shift your self-concept to see yourself as someone who is naturally abundant, worthy, or capable, your external reality will begin to reflect that.
In this post, we’ll explore the powerful connection between self-concept and reality, and you’ll learn practical steps to help you shift your identity so you can attract more abundance.
The Link Between Self-Concept and Abundance
Your self-concept is like an internal compass, guiding you toward what you believe you can receive. If you see yourself as someone who constantly struggles, whether with money, relationships, or opportunities, your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors will unconsciously align with that belief. You may hesitate to ask for a raise, self-sabotage good opportunities, or settle for less than you truly deserve because, deep down, you don’t see yourself as someone who naturally attracts abundance.
This is where the Law of Assumption comes into play. According to this principle, what you assume to be true about yourself becomes your reality. If you believe you are financially secure, opportunities for wealth will begin to flow to you in ways you may not have expected. If you assume that love and support are always available, you will start noticing relationships that reflect that assumption.
Signs Your Self-Concept May be Blocking Abundance
Unfortunately, in many cases, we are plagued by beliefs at the subconscious level that prevent us from attracting the abundance we want in life. It sometimes takes some digging to figure out what is holding us back. Here are some signs you need to shift your self-concept:
- Struggling with feelings of unworthiness or feeling like you’re not enough.
- Limiting beliefs like, “I can’t have what I want” or “Abundance is for other people.”
- Sabotaging opportunities because they feel “too good to be true.”
At the end of the day, if you notice that you’re lacking in different areas of your life, it’s a good sign that something is holding you back at the subconscious level.
How to Shift Your Self-Concept to Attract More Abundance
The good news? Your self-concept isn’t set in stone. By shifting the way you see yourself, you can begin aligning with the version of you that effortlessly attracts abundance. Here’s how:
1. Identify Limiting Beliefs
To begin shifting your self-concept to attract more abundance, you must first identify how you’ve been holding yourself back until now. Many have deep-seated beliefs about abundance, money, success, and relationships. And it’s your job to get to the bottom of those beliefs.
One of the best ways to do this is by having a journaling session. Get all of your thoughts and emotions out on paper so you can better evaluate where you’re at mentally.
Here are a couple of example journal prompts to get you started:
- What do I believe about my ability to receive abundance?
- What thoughts come up when I imagine having more than enough?
2. Rewrite Your Inner Story
Once you know what your blocks are, you can begin rewriting them. One of the easiest ways to do this is to create affirmations that contradict your limiting beliefs and align with an abundant self-concept. For example:
- “I am worthy of abundance in all forms.”
- “Opportunities flow to me effortlessly.”
From there, take your list of core affirmations and recite them daily to overwrite your existing limiting beliefs. In time, your mind will begin to believe these new statements, ultimately making them your reality. For best results, recite them morning and night, even while doing mindless tasks like household chores.
Consider working with a mindset coach if you’re ready to attract more abundance into your life. A coach who’s certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) or hypnotherapy, like myself, can help you make changes at the subconscious level. (P.S. You can book a hypnosis session!)
3. Embody the Version of You Who Already Has Abundance
You hear it all the time when talking about manifestation… Be the version of you who already has your desires. It’s excellent advice, but many don’t understand how to do this. The best way to embody the feeling of having the things you want and being that person is through visualization. Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine yourself already living an abundant life. How do you act, think, and feel? To supercharge this, visualize the same scene nightly and play it on a loop as you go to sleep.
In your waking life, you’ll want to align your thoughts and actions with this version of yourself. The most abundant version of you isn’t stressed about money or letting limiting beliefs hold you back. Shut those thoughts down and replace them with what your abundant self would think. Then, start showing up daily and taking actions this person would take. That doesn’t mean you should go out and spend money you don’t currently have. Instead, think about her habits and what actions she’d take to propel her closer to her goals.
4. Cultivate Gratitude for Abundance You Already Have
Gratitude shifts your energy to a state of receiving. When you express gratitude for the things you already have, you open up to calling in more greatness. This is why so many coaches and manifestation experts encourage a gratitude practice.
Challenge yourself to write down three things you’re grateful for each day, but don’t just jot it down in a notebook. Feel thankful for all that you already have. You can even give thanks for the things you’re currently manifesting as if you already have them. Not only does this help embody the feeling of having that desire, but it also helps to call in manifestations.
5. Release Resistance
The final step is to let go of any negativity surrounding abundance. Ditch the self-doubt, the fear, and feelings of unworthiness. You must move forward with confidence and faith that the abundance you desire is coming. When you fall into old patterns, try methods like EFT tapping, breathwork, or guided meditation to get you back on track.
Tips for Maintaining an Abundant Self-Concept
Perfecting your self-concept isn’t a one-and-done kind of thing. If you aren’t careful, you can find yourself falling back into old patterns or encountering new limiting beliefs. For that reason, you want to ensure you’re staying on top of your self-concept regularly.
Here’s how you can do that and ensure you attract more abundance:
- Surround yourself with empowering content (podcasts, books, and social media).
- Practice self-care to nurture your sense of worthiness.
- Celebrate small wins to reinforce your abundant identity.
- Spend time around people who believe in you and support you.
You need to be mindful of what you’re allowing into your headspace. The last thing you want is to get held back by the negativity of others, disempowering messages from society, etc.
Stop Settling… Attract More Abundance Now
If you’re ready to attract more abundance into your life, you need to start shifting who you are at the core. Your beliefs impact the world around you, and it’s time you started seeing yourself as someone worthy of the abundance you desire. Use these tips to begin working on your self-concept, and watch as everything aligns with your new, empowered mindset.
Want some help with subconscious reprogramming? Order a custom hypnosis track tailored to your unique needs and goals. You can listen to this track daily to rewire your thinking and install positive beliefs to help you manifest what you truly want. Get yours now.